Facial Massage Directions
There are many people who feel that massage is tiresome. Stress after washing your face, while soaking in the tub, by applying the massaging pack and lightly massage for just a little while makes a big difference a few years later. Also, Naris massaging pack could be used around the eyes which helps to massage and moisturize especially delicate areas.
Please follow steps ①through ⑧ by using both hands.
â‘¡ Forehead
Lift up forehead to prevent the wrinkles on the forehead
â‘¢ Around Eyes
Prevent small wrinkles and freshen up around your eyes
â‘¥ Chin
Prevent the sagging of chin
⑦ Around Mouth
Prevent wrinkles around mouth area
â‘ Temple
Apply pressure to your temples
â‘£ Ridge of Nose
Prevent wrinkles on the ridge of the nose and the middle of your forehead
⑤ Sides of Nose
Remove excess bad oil
⑧ Scruff of Neck
Prevent wrinkles on the neck
â‘ Temple
Apply pressure to your temples
â‘¡ Forehead
Lift up forehead to prevent the wrinkles on the forehead
â‘¢ Around Eyes
Prevent small wrinkles and freshen up around your eyes
â‘£ Ridge of Nose
Prevent wrinkles on the ridge of the nose and the middle of your forehead
⑤ Sides of Nose
Remove excess bad oil
â‘¥ Chin
Prevent the sagging of chin
⑦ Around Mouth
Prevent wrinkles around mouth area
⑧ Scruff of Neck
Prevent wrinkles on the neck